Blue Badges for organisations

How to apply for Blue Badges for an organisation.

A badge may be issued to organisations that care for and transport disabled people who would meet the eligibility criteria for a blue badge if they applied individually.

Where relatively few people meet the eligibility criteria for a Blue Badge in the organisation, we prefer that disabled people apply for their badge rather than have one issued to an organisation.

Organisational badges will, therefore, only be issued to an organisation that both:

  • cares for and transports disabled people who would meet one or more of the eligibility criteria for an individual Blue Badge
  • has a clear need for an organisational badge rather than using the personal Blue Badges of people it is transporting.

In all circumstances, badges will be supplied to organisations or departments (for example, a social services department) rather than individual staff members.

Remind all organisation employees who will be using the badge that they must only use it to transport the disabled people in their care who meet one or more of the eligibility criteria.


If they use the badge to take advantage of the concessions when there are no passengers in the vehicle who are eligible for a badge, they will face a fine of up to £1,000.

If your application is successful, each Blue Badge will cost £10. Please do not send payment until requested.

Apply for Blue Badge for an organisation


We do not renew organisational Blue Badges. We consider each application based on your organisation's current need.