Protecting against future claims

Landowners may protect themselves against future claims for public rights of way and village greens

What it means to you

If you are a landowner or act on behalf of one, you can send us a map of your land with a statement describing any public rights of way which you acknowledge already exist on your land.

Then, you can send us a declaration stating that you have not dedicated any more ways to the public.  You need to do this within 20 years of your initial deposit.

This can protect you from claims that might be made in the future to record more public rights of way over the land. Although it cannot protect you from any claims for rights of way that may have come into being before the Statement was submitted.

You can also send us a map and statement which brings to an end any use of your land as a Village Green. In legal terms, that means any recreational use of the land ''as of right' (without force, secrecy or permission).  To find out more, see our town and village greens page.

We charge for this service (see below).

How to apply

To make or renew a deposit or statement, you will need to fill in the official application form and send it with a map to:

Countryside Access - Research and Legal Record
Oxfordshire County Council
County Hall

Payment should be made by BACS. Please request an invoice when submitting your statement/declaration and plan.

Before you apply, please read the guidance and the frequently asked questions below

There are fees for this service, as given below.

Highways Act 1980 section 31(6)
Receipt and processing of deposited map and statement or declaration for a single parcel (of any size) £336
Additional fee for each additional unconnected land parcel £23.20
Receipt and processing of declaration that follows an initial deposit and statement £58*

* if made within 60 days of the council acceptance of initial deposit and statement: otherwise, the full fees above apply

Commons Act 2006 s15(a)(1) Landowner Statement (or combined s31(6) and s15(a)(i) deposit)
Receipt and processing of deposited map and statement or declaration* for a single parcel (of any size) £405
Additional fee for each additional unconnected land parcel £29.50

* If made within 60 days of the council acceptance of initial deposit and statement: otherwise, the full fees above apply

The figures above are VAT exempt.

Search for a statement

You can search our register of statements, maps and supporting declarations by landowners.

More information

For more information or to make a deposit, please contact us.