Reintegration timetable guidance

There is no statutory basis upon which to establish a reintegration timetable

With the agreement of parents and carers, however, in exceptional circumstances, where a short-fixed term period of part-time education may in very rare circumstances be judged to be in the interests of young people who are finding full-time education very challenging, reduced hours may be appropriate. This must, however, be for a short, agreed period that has a planned progression back to full-time attendance within maximum of six weeks.

Oxfordshire County Council is committed to all children's entitlement to full-time education and makes clear the requirement that a reintegration timetable cannot be implemented without written agreement from parent/carer (and where appropriate the Virtual School where a child is one We Care For, Youth Justice worker when the child is on a Court Order, Social Worker/Early Help Worker where a Child Protection, Team Around the Family or Child in Need Plan is in place or SEN Team at the Local Authority when the child has an EHCP).

In circumstances where the school considers that a reintegration timetable for a pupil is needed, the school must notify the County Attendance Team on

School must convene a meeting to discuss the proposals for a reintegration timetable. This must include the parent/carer of the pupil. This meeting must also include the Local Authority where the pupil is one that We Care For (the Virtual School), subject of a Court Order (YJES worker), the pupil is subject of a Child Protection, Child in Need Plan or Team Around the Family plan (Social Worker or Early Help worker) or has a EHCP (SEN Officer).
School, parents and other professionals must establish a plan (Pastoral Support Plan, Individual Learning Plan, Personal Education Plan etc.) for the reintegration timetable which details:

  • the proposed timetable with reintegration support to get back to full-time attendance within 6 weeks
  • details of the review schedule
  • the supportive interventions that will accompany this reduction in time at school
  • school including the environment system changes within school and the new skills that will be taught
  • outcome and exit strategies. How will all parties know that this short term exceptional arrangement has been successful?
  • the named person responsible for the plan within the school
  • the consideration of safeguarding measures for the duration. The school must carry out a risk assessment (including CSE and CDE) before implementation, of the child spending more time out of the school and this should be recorded in the plan
  • consideration should be given in many cases to external behaviour support and/or targeted early help family support
  • consideration should be given to whether alternative provision should be considered to meet need.

Send the Local Authority a copy of the hours agreed and the plan upon which it was agreed within 2 days to

The plan and the teaching hours must be signed by the parent and without parental agreement this strategy of a reduction in hours cannot be implemented

Consider the need to carry out an Early Help Assessment (EHA) to establish if there are wider needs and support required from external agencies. If support is required with Early Help Assessment/Team Around the Family and where Early Help Casework might be required please contact LCSS.

The names of pupils on a Reintegration Timetable are passed from Education to Social Care, the Youth Justice Team Operational Group and the Early Help and Prevention Team once per half term. The fact that they are on a reintegration timetable and a copy of the school's individual pupil plan is shared at that point with the Social Worker and their team leaders.

Where professionals note that any of the above has not taken place as laid out please inform the County Attendance Team.