Multiply - free maths courses

You could be eligible for free support if you are not confident with numbers.

Feeling confident with numbers helps in every aspect of life from measuring building materials or mixing hair dye, checking invoices, helping the children with their homework or even setting up in business.

But if you feel nervous when thinking about numbers, you’re not alone! 

The Multiply programme

With the cost of living going up and up, now might be just the time to get on with numbers.

If you’re one of the 49% of adults that are underconfident when it comes to anything about maths, you’ll be able to get the support you need in the way you need it from the Multiply programme in 2023. From flexible online courses to one-to-one mentoring, learn how you want, when you want.

Multiply has been launched as part of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme, by the Department for Education (DfE).

Who is it for?

The free numeracy courses are for:

  • Oxfordshire residents aged 19 and over
  • individuals that have not achieved a maths GCSE of at least a Grade C or equivalent
  • individuals who may want to develop numeracy skills for work or progression
  • individuals that want to brush up and develop their numeracy skills for everyday life.

You’ll be able to access a range of support and courses to be developed throughout 2023.

How good are you with numbers?

Not sure what your numeracy level is? Why not find out with a short quiz and get some quick tips.

You can also take part in the National Numeracy Challenge which aims to give you an accurate picture of your everyday maths skills through a few simple to answer questions.

How to tell us you are interested

If you are a member of the public you can find out if you are eligible or express an interest in the free courses using the form below. If you are a provider of courses you can ask for more information.

Express an interest in Multiply numeracy courses