Financial plans

Budget and business planning sets out the four-year strategy for the council.

Each February, the council formally approves a medium-term financial strategy for the next three years, including a detailed revenue budget for the financial year commencing that April.

What the plan covers

It provides an overview of the council’s planned expenditure and funding and financial strategy for 2024/25 to 2026/2027.

It also includes for each of the five directorates:

  • the detailed revenue budget for 2024/25 by service area
  • review of charges 2024/25
  • budget changes built into the medium-term financial plan for 2024/25 and the following two years.

Our contribution to budgets managed jointly with Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board, is shown as part of the budgets for adult services.

Our capital programme which shows planned expenditure on new or improved school buildings and roads, for example, is also included.

The medium-term financial strategy contained in this booklet will support the achievement of our strategic plan 2023-2025. 

Our nine priorities are

  1. Put action to address the climate emergency at the heart of our work.
  2. Tackle inequalities in Oxfordshire.
  3. Prioritise the health and wellbeing of residents.
  4. Support carers and the social care system.
  5. Invest in an inclusive, integrated and sustainable transport network.
  6. Preserve and improve access to nature and green spaces.
  7. Create opportunities for children and young people to reach their full potential.
  8. Play our part in a vibrant and participatory local democracy.
  9. Work with local businesses and partners for environmental, economic and social benefit.

This publication complements Oxfordshire County Council’s services and council tax leaflet for 2024/25 which is available on our council funding and spending page. It explains how the council tax is spent and provides a summary of the 2024/25 budget.

Earlier plans are available upon request.