New budget changes for 2024/25 - 2026/27

New budget increases and reductions agreed in February 2024.

New budget changes

Directorate 2024/25
Adult Services (population changes) - - 8,500 8,500 
Environment and Place (waste tonnages) - - 400 400 
Total demography - - 8,900 8,900
Inflation, demand and other pressures
Directorate 2024/25
Adult Services 2,339 1,937 5,500 9,776
Children's Services 15,390 2,674 -93 17,971
Environment and Place 4,213 176 -641 3,748
Public Health and Community Safety 2,008 522 120 2,650
Resources, Law and Governance 3,104 124 28 3,256
Additional pay inflation available to be allocated 0 0 7,500 7,500
Total inflation, demand and other pressures 27,053 5,433 12,414 44,900
Directorate 2024/25
Adult Services 1,430 -1,375 0 55
Children's Services 5,723 -2,812 208 3,119
Environment and Place 2,840 -1,263 -160 1,417
Resources, Law and Governance 618 -210 0 408
Total investments 10,611 -5,660 48 4,999
New budget increases
Directorate 2024/25
Adult Services 3,768 562 14,000 18,331
Children's Services 21,113 112 735 21,960
Environment and Place 7,053 -1,087 -401 5,565
Public Health and Community Safety 2,008 522 120 2,650
Resources, Law and Governance 3,722 -86 28 3,664
Changes to be allocated - - 7,500 7,500
Total budget increases 37,664 23 21,982 59,669
New Budget Reductions
Directorate 2024/25
Adult Services -1,614  -1,008  -2,621 
Children's Services -4,214  -6,632  -5,620  -16,466 
Environment and Place -5,482  -741  991  -5,232 
Public Health and Community Safety -562  76  -486 
Resources, Law and Governance -2,070 -497 75 -2,492
Total budget reductions -13,942 -8,801 -4,554 -27,297


Adult Services - New budget increases and reductions

Reference Description 2024/25
Total   £000
2025ASC590 Demand increases resulting from population growth 0 0 8,500 8,500
  Total Demography 0 0 8,500 8,500
2025ASC597 Changes to the cost of care packages funded by the council  1,500 1,937 0 3,437
2025L&CO1 Reduce Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation adjustment for cost of care packages funded by the Council by 0.5%. -330  -  - -330
2024PAYINF Pay Inflation (5.0%) 999  -  - 999
2025ASC601 Increases to the cost of care packages funded by the council. 0 0 5,500 5,500
  Total Inflation 2,169 1,937 5,500 9,606
  Demand and Other Pressures        
2025ASC680 Pressure related to retaining additional capacity in Social Care Finance provided to support improvements in debt recovery, financial assessment and payment timeliness.  See also 2025F&P972 additional funding for capacity in the Income Team in Finance. 170 0 0 170
  Total Demand and Other Pressures 170 0 0 170
2025ASTBC1 Digital acceleration 
Digital innovation to assist customer pathways and user experience in information finding and advice, pathways to services and contact points, with additional ability for practitioner to make better use of data and agile working. 
500 -500  - 0
2025ASTBC2 Oxfordshire Way
Develop the Oxfordshire Way approach further for all ages to develop community resilience and at-home services and to reduce inequalities in accessing care and support
175 -175  - 0
2025ASTBC3 Adult Services Transport - Additional budget to mitigate pressures 
Improve data and systems to drive efficiencies in systems and manage service assessment, officer time and services levels.
100 -100 0
2025ASTBC4 Adult Services Transport  - Investment to increase independent travel
Independent living skills and enablement   via travel training and accessibility, working with bus operators and other key stakeholders
100 -100  - 0
2025ASTBC5 Shared Lives 
Investment in actions to encourage more people to become shared lives carers
500 -500  - 0
2025L&CO2 Establish a Care Co-op Employment Hub with dedicated resource to support self-employed care workers set up care co-operatives. 55  -  - 55
  Total Investments 1,430 -1,375 0 55
  Budget Reductions        
2025ASC613 Efficiencies within Health, Education and Social Care Commissioning Budgets -99 0 0 -99
2025ASC682 Reviews of care packages for service users with mental health needs linked to health funding.  0 -900 0 -900
2025ASC684 Build on 2023/24 saving through continued increase in recruitment of Shared Lives Carers -74 0 0 -74
2025ASC762 Additional capacity means funding relating to Community Connectors can be released (23AS5). -150 0 0 -150
2024CONT Share of contract/commercial savings -869  -  - -869
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -317 -212  - -529
2025L&CO23 Refocus activity on action to reduce outstanding unsecured debt, increasing the target reduction from 10% to 12% by the end of 2024/25. -104 104 0
  Total Budget Reductions -1,614 -1,008 0 -2,621

Children's Services - New budget increases and reductions

Reference Description 2024/25
2025/26   £000 2026/27   £000 Total   £000
2025CS-HN712 On-going impact of increases in the number of Education Health & Care Plans (EHCPs) and post - 16 travel & price increases following on from 2023/24. 3,300 0 0 3,300
2025CS-HN713 Future increases in the number of EHCPs and Post 16 travel and price increase impacting on demand and cost of transport. 600 400 2,500 3,500
2024PAYINF Pay Inflation (5.0%) 1,767 - - 1,767
  Total Inflation 5,667 400 2,500 8,567
  Demand and Other Pressures        
2025CS701 Investment in additional capacity in the SEND service 1,000 - - 1,000
2025CS711 School improvement - additional capacity and replacement of grant funding 400 0 0 400
2025CS700 Funding to support implementation of Education Commission recommendations 100   0 100
2025CS787 Demand and inflation pressures continuing from 2023/24 (full year effect) 8,223 2,274 -4,237 6,260
2026COVID The modelling approach to COVID-19 within Oxfordshire across all services has been to compare expected, annual growth patterns to growth seen through the pandemic.  The excess growth is deemed to be as a result of the pandemic. Using this method there were an extra 74 plans issued, and applying costs based on the normal pattern of provisions, this results in an additional cost to High Needs.  Funding removed from 2026/27  - 1,200 1,200
2026COVID Family Safeguarding Parternship Team Savings - higher demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic means that it isn't possible to reduce teams in line with the original plan without a significant impact on caseloads.  -  - 444 444
  Total Demand and Other Pressures 9,723  2,274  -2,593  9,404 
2025L&CO4 Invest in Family Help Team to reduce the future demand and cost of care. Assumes team would be in place from July 2024 onwards. 375 125  - 500
2025L&CO3 Revenue costs involved with increasing early intervention work in Early Years and primary school settings to respond to SEND needs and proactively support the transition into mainstream education. 500 -120 380
2025L&CO5 Revenue borrowing costs associated with adding three new children's homes from 2026/27 (including one focused on older children) to the capital programme.  -  - 120 120
2025CS790/1/3 Recruitment & Retention Strategy  949 832 708 2,489
2025CS792 Funding for technological improvements enabling data analysis and insight to help manage demand 500 0 0 500
2025CSTBC1 Digital acceleration 
Digital innovation to assist customer pathways and user experience in information finding and advice, pathways to services and contact points, with additional ability for practitioner to make better use of data and agile working. 
500 -500  - 0
2025CSTBC2 Oxfordshire Way
Develop the Oxfordshire Way approach further for all ages to develop community resilience and at-home services and to reduce inequalities in accessing care and support
699 -699  - 0
2025CSTBC3 Home to School Transport  - Additional budget to mitigate pressures 
Improve data and systems to drive efficiencies in systems and manage service assessment, officer time and services levels.
400 -400  - 0
2025CSTBC4 Home to School Transport  - Investment to increase independent travel
Independent living skills and enablement   via travel training and accessibility, working with bus operators and other key stakeholders
400 -400  - 0
2025CSTBC5 Family Safeguarding
Extend the family safeguarding model to work more closely with schools  to build additional resilience into the model in order to  reduce demand and resolve family issues at the earliest possible opportunity. This will include working  with schools to build capability as well as with families and other stakeholders.
900 -900  - 0
2025CSTBC6 Foster Care
Investment into retention and support of foster carers via a no detriment policy/ skills and fees levels review and strategy to support kinship carers as per new DfE guidance in December 2023.
500 -500 0
2025L&CO24 Invest to save' returns resulting from reducing numbers of private placements for children we care for through increase in internal care provision (see 2025L&CO5) - - -120 -120
2025L&CO25 Investment in Family Help Team (see 2025L&CO3) reduces future demand for and cost of care. - -250 -500 -750
  Total Investments 5,723 -2,812 208 3,119
  Budget Reductions        
2025CS-HN707 Adjust growth funding already in budget -343 -281 0 -624
2025CS721 Agency Staff In Social Care - replacement with permanent Staff -1,200 -1,600 -1,200 -4,000
2025CS723 Manage Demand for Children We Care For (CWCF) - Maintain CWCF at the current number -2,700 -3,400 -700 -6,800
2025CS724 Bring Children We Care For (CWCF) currently placed out of the county back into Oxfordshire -1,100 -1,300 -300 -2,700
2025CS725 High Cost Placements -  Obtain better value care for children living in high-cost residential placements -200 -600 0 -800
2025CS726 Exits from Care - Ensuring children cease to be Children We Care For (CWCF) in line with their plan in a timely way  -2,200 -2,500 -2,800 -7,500
2025CS728 NHS Joint Funding - Maximise access to all health joint funding for Children We Care For (CWCF) -2,900  - 0 -2,900
2025CS1064 Risk adjustment (40% of savings) 4,120  -  - 4,120
2025CS1063 Offset savings with re-instatement of previous savings or replace COVID-19 funding that drops out of Medium Term Financial Strategy with base budget. 3,181 3,611  - 6,792
2024CONT Share of contract/commercial savings -405  -  - -405
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -468 -312  - -779
2025L&CO24 Invest to save' returns resulting from reducing numbers of private placements for children we care for through increase in internal care provision (see 2025L&CO5)  - -120 -120
2025L&CO25 Investment in Family Help Team (see 2025L&CO3) reduces future demand for and cost of care.   -250 -500 -750
2024CONT Share of contract/commercial savings -405 - - -405
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -468 -312 - -779
  Total Budget Reductions -4,214 -6,632 -5,620 -16,466


Environment and Place - New budget increases and reductions

Ref Description 2024/25   £000 2025/26   £000 2026/27   £000 Total   £000
2025EPDG Add new year of demographic growth for Waste Management  -  - 400 400
  Total Demography  -  - 400 400
2024PAYINF Pay Inflation (5.0%) 660  -  - 660
  Total Inflation 660  -  - 660
  Demand and Other Pressures        
2025EP583 Home to School Transport Digital Contract Management System - 
Previously Agreed Savings Not Achievable
650 150 0 800
2025EP588 Increased Parking Service operational and maintenance costs 295 380 200 875
2025EP598 Increased drawdown from Parking Reserve to support increased maintenance and operational costs -295 -380 -200 -875
2025EP622 Increased highway maintenance activity (additional funding for potholes) 650 100 50 800
2025EP641 Persistent Organic Pollutants - a change in the law means the council has to fund the cost of shredding, transporting and incinerating domestic soft seating as landfill disposal is no longer permitted. 200 0 0 200
2025EP647 Resource to write circular economy strategy 30 -30 0 0
2025EP692 Various pressures associated with service areas within Environment & Circular Economy (offset  by saving EP693) 495 -115 -123 257
2025EP694 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC): unsorted waste and essential site repair pressures (offset by saving EP695) 623 -114 0 509
2025EP645 Take action in 2024/25 to reduce the future cost of closed landfill site monitoring 10 -20 0 -10
2025EP654 Create Sustainable Travel to School strategy 200 -200 0 0
2025EP744 Pressures associated with policy development for area travel plans, HGV studies and Multi Modal transport model (offset by saving EP745) 695 405 -568 532
  Total Demand and Other Pressures 3,553  176  -641  3,088 
2025L&CO6 Investment in improved enforcement of Controlled Parking Zones (see 2025LACO26). 140     140
2025L&CO7 Revenue borrowing costs of additional scheduled highways maintenance for roads and pavements in 2024/25 (on-going borrowing cost for one - off funding of £5m). 300     300
2025L&CO8 Introduce four new Controlled Parking Zones (see 2025L&CO27). 200 -200   0
2025L&CO9 Investment in improved collection of fees, charges and penalties (see 2025L&CO28). 210     210
2025L&CO11 Revenue costs for additional investments in Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) enforcement of moving traffic offences of existing Traffic Regulation Order restrictions (see 2025L&CO29). 180 -180   0
2025L&CO12 Feasibility Study into practicalities and opportunity in emissions and vehicle category based charging.  Early investigatory work to identify potential policy and income benefits. 30 -30   0
2025L&CO10 Feasibility study and implementation strategy for bus franchising. 150 -150   0
2025L&CO15 Seed funding for supporting pilot Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) bus services, building on business case developed through 2025L&CO14.   250 -250 0
2025L&CO13 Phase four of the school streets scheme.   77 -30 47
2025L&CO14 Funding for a feasibility study into the introduction of new Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) bus services in urban/suburban and rural settings. The study will also look into the application of DRT services to support Home to School transport. 70 -70  - 0
2025L&CO16 Revenue borrowing costs for pipeline of capital projects to tackle congestion in built up areas (£3m capital spend in 2024/25 and 2025/26). 180 180  - 360
2025L&CO17 Revenue borrowing costs for pipeline delivery of capital projects identified as part of the East Oxford Mini-Holland Project (£2m capital spend each year of MTFS). 120 120 120 360
2025EPTBC2 Gully and ditch clearing and repairs in areas recently flooded 300 -300  - 0
2025EPTBC3 Boost capacity to work with landowners and Parishes for them to clear ditches and implement Sustainable Drainage Schemes  300 -300  - 0
2025EPTBC4 A second cut of urban verges around footways and cycleways 150 -150  - 0
2025EPTBC5 Reclaim footpaths and cycleways – vegetation clearance and siding-out 510 -510  - 0
  Total Investments 2,840 -1,263 -160 1,417
  New Budget Reductions        
2025EP656 Saving through recharging staff time to Oxfordshire Bus Enhanced Partnership -50 0 0 -50
2025EP745 Manage various pressures associated with policy development under existing budget allocation (offsets pressure EP744) -695 -405 568 -532
2025EP655 Park & Ride upgrades improve user offer and increase patronage -25 0 0 -25
2025EP657 Recharge of policy staff time to major projects -50 0 0 -50
2025EP658 One - off capitalisation of staff time through recharging costs associated with School Streets project -25 25 0 0
2025EP659 Consolidated savings for:
- Introduction of standing advice for Transport Development Management
- Combining Highways agreement and Engineering and assurance teams
- Increase income from Planning Performance Agreement charges
- Optimising the commissioning of modelling
- Use of Section 106 funding held to develop schemes or the interest pot
-100 -180 0 -280
2025EP772 Release uncommitted element of on-going investment 24EP27 Countywide Community Transport Initiatives agreed in February 2023 on one - off basis in 2024/25 -260 260  - 0
2025EP773  Release part of the on-going £0.5m investment 24EP28 agreed in February 2023 not needed to support the cost of park and ride joint ticketing -35  -  - -35
2025EP774  Utilise Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) to support spend in 2024/25 and 2025/26 -400  - 400 0
2025EP633 Increased recharging of staff time for projects -5 -20 0 -25
2024CONT Share of contract/commercial savings -544  -  - -544
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -153 -102 -255
  Total Budget Reductions -5,482 -741 991 -5,232

Public Health - New budget reductions

Budget reductions
Ref Description 2024/25   £000 2025/26   £000 2026/27   £000 Total   £000
2025PH555 Utilisation of government grant to fund domestic abuse services means £0.200m of council funding can be released on a one - off basis in 2024/25. -200 200 0 0
Total    -200 200 0 0

Community Safety - New budget increases and reductions

Ref Description 2024/25   £000 2025/26   £000 2026/27   £000 Total   £000
2024PAYINF Pay Inflation (5.0%) 564  -  - 564
  Total Inflation 564  -  - 564
  Demand and Other Pressures        
2025CSafety670 Vehicle Renewals - increase revenue contribution for replacement of Fire Vehicles 0 572 120 692
2025CSafety754 Cultural Development Work 50 -50 0 0
2024CSafetyFP Funding for Fire Pensions - remove ringfenced grant funding
(funding change announced in Provisional Local Government Settlement - existing ringfenced funding will be received as Revenue Support Grant in 2024/25.
1,394 0 0 1,394
  Total Demand and other pressures 1,444  522  120  2,086 
  Budget Reductions        
2025CSafety665 New Ways of Working - Fire Engine Standby moves when incidents occur - adjust funding to reflect current activity. -75 0 0 -75
2025CSafety666 Review of wholetime support functions -75 0 0 -75
2024CONT Share of contract/commercial savings -26  -  - -26
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -186 -124  - -310
  Total Budget Reductions -362 -124 0 -486

Resources, Law and Governance - New budget increases and reductions

Ref Description 2024/25   £000 2025/26   £000 2026/27   £000 Total   £000
2025PI&FM549 Schools Catering Service within Facilities Management Team - reduction in anticipated deficit on the account. 206 0 0 206
2025PI&FMTBC Continued one off contribution to Children's Centre rents 113 -113   0
2025PI&FMTBC Fund one-off Children's Centre rents from the Budgets Priorities reserve -113 113   0
2024PAYINF Pay Inflation (5.0%) 1,450     1,450
  Total Inflation 1,656  1,656
  Demand and Other Pressures        
2025Corp973 Revised structure and pay scales for the council's Strategic Leadership Team (pending approval by Council on 7 November 2023).  Additional contributions will be sought from existing council budgets so that the pressure is reduced as far as possible. 209 28 28 265
2025CSI531 Recruitment for a new Head of Business Change post 94 0 0 94
2025CSI532 Reorganise existing structure to fund two new posts for forward planning and business support for the council's leadership meetings 93 0 0 93
2025CSI533 Reorganise existing structure to fund two new posts in the Digital Content team to lead and support the redevelopment of the council's website 145 0 0 145
2025C&CE529 Appointment of an Area Coroner in accordance with a recommendation from the UK Chief Coroner 140 96 0 236
2025F&P698 Notified increase in external audit costs 135 0 0 135
2025F&P717 Additional Finance capacity needed to support the organisation to transform and to ensure that the S151 officer is able to lead and direct a finance function that is resourced to be fit for purpose. 450 0 0 450
2025F&P972 Additional capacity for Adult Services debt recovery 60 0 0 60
2025HROD677 Funding for lone working safety software & app 52 0 0 52
2025HROD796 Applicant Tracking System service and system costs 70 0 0 70
  Total Demand and other pressures 1,448  124  28  1,600 
2025L&CO19 Membership funding to join the Co-operative Councils Innovation Network. 8  -  - 8
2025L&CO18 Dedicated resource to mainstream public health principles and goals aligned with the well being of future generations framework (tackling social problems and inequalities at source to improve lives, boost outcomes and tackle inequalities) across the Council. 100  - 100
2025L&CO22 Citizens Assembly on transport in Central Oxfordshire. 150 -150  - 0
2025L&CO20 Restore cost of living funding to support local advice centres. 300  -  - 300
2025L&CO21 Resource to support the development and initial delivery of a Social Value and Community Wealth Building Strategy, including relevant training and external expertise, focusing on all relevant aspects of social value generation and community wealth building. 60 -60  - 0
  Total Investments 618 -210 0 408
  New Budget Reductions        
2025CSI526 Reallocate existing funding to meet cost of new posts (see proposal 2025CSI532 and 2025CSI533) -239 0 0 -239
2025L&CO30 Reallocate existing Public Health funding to meet costs of developing and mainstreaming future generations framework as well as wider public health principles (see investment 2025L&CO18). -100  -  - -100
2025L&CO31 Remove Administration proposal 2025CSI532 for new forward planning and business support. -93  -  - -93
2025L&CO32 Savings from Marketing, Communications and Engagement team. -120  -  - -120
2025C&CE567 Inflationary increase for the provision of Ceremonies within the Registration Service
The proposed budget changes will be £30,000 overall increase in income. As the ceremony fees were set 2 years in advance, the increased fees have already been taken for customers that have booked for 2024/25.  The increased were agreed in 2022/23.   Ceremony fees will increase by  5 - 7% for registration office ceremonies and 3 - 7.5% for approved venue ceremonies for 2024/25, depending on the day of the week and type of ceremony.
-30 0 0 -30
2025ITI&D TBC Innovation Service (iHub): use contribution from reserve in 2024/25 and move to being self funding from 2025/26 -300 -321 0 -621
2025HROD868 National Insurance Contributions savings arising from the Salary Sacrifice Scheme (AVC Pension) -65 0 0 -65
2025L&G487 Release unutilised funding for pension costs for members -54 0 0 -54
2025PI&FM524 Restructure of two staffing roles due to reduced hours required in the Commercial Team -15 0 0 -15
2025PI&FM545 Savings identified from operational activity within the Estates Team (release of funding for utility inflation and council buildings). -372 0 0 -372
2025PI&FM691 Delay in the occupation of a new library facility in the Banbury to 2025/26 -150 75 75 0
2024CONT Share of contract/commercial savings -156  -  - -156
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs   -  -  - 0
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -27 -18  - -45
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -25 -17  - -42
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -57 -38  - -95
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -102 -68 -170
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -46 -31  - -77
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -71 -47  - -118
2024DTFT Delivering the Future Together staffing saving - reduce and delayer staffing structures and costs  -47 -32  - -79
  Total New Budget Reductions -2,070  -497  75  -2,492 

New budget increases (to be allocated)

Reference Description 2024/25 £000 2025/26 £000 2026/27 £000 Total £000
24CC1 Additional pay inflation to allocate - - 7,500 7,500
  Total Inflation     7,500 7,500