Fees and reviews

Information around fees and payments for providers of adult social care and support services

Ceiling threshold rates for 2024/25

Services Ceiling Threshold
Residential Care Homes (Weekly) £1,153.00
Nursing Care Homes (Weekly) £1,437.00 (gross fee)
Living Well at Home and Legacy home care packages £29.07
Outreach Support (Hourly) £27.18
Reablement (Episode) £1,174.00
Live-in Domicillary care - with break £1,507.00
Live-in Domicillary care - without break £1,100.00
Extra Care Housing (On-Site Care - Weekly Charge) £68.32
Extra Care Housing (Hourly) £29.07
Supported Living (Hourly - including waking nights) £27.18
Supported Living (Weekly) £1,407.00
Sleep-in (per night) £80.00
External day services No ceiling

Thresholds have been updated following the Fund Nursing Care announcement in March 2024.

Care contracted through a direct payment will not be automatically uplifted. Please contact the Direct Payment holder if you require a review of your rates.

Review process

If this automatic uplift does not cover your fees and you would like us to carry out a review of your individual circumstances, please:

  • Submit a request to CareContractsPriceReview@oxfordshire.gov.uk together with the cost analysis tool (xlsx format, 54KB). Your request must include the initials, date of birth and OCC reference of each person with a breakdown of current support hours. Where you have completed a cost analysis tool which we have used to review fees for 2023/24, we will not ask you to repeat this in 2024/25 unless there are significant changes to your costs making it necessary. 
  • The panel will look at:
    • The care needs of the individual people 
    • Unit costs 
    • The host authority offers 
  • You will be informed of the outcome from the panel.  Any agreed changes will be notified in writing and any payment due will be in the next payment run following this notification.

We ask that you submit your requests within 3 months of receiving this letter with all the required information.

Fund Nursing Care (FNC)

We are only increasing the Oxfordshire County Council-funded element of your payment for nursing homes. Any increase to Funded Nursing Care will be applied separately.
